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Where would you find this restroom? (Idea courtesy of Richard Blythe.)
Richard's suggestion was: "Idea for a picture: Pic of a restroom themed sign that is less visited, like behind AAA (still open?) or by del Zocolo." I focused on "less visited" and "del Zocolo" and took it to the extreme. This isn't the one he was thinking of, but... (By the way, Richard, what is AAA? I'm coming up blank on that one. I'm not very good with acronyms.)
This is what is often referred to as the Secret Restroom. Located in the Carnation Gardens Plaza (near the Rancho del Zocalo Restaurante) and intended mainly for families and the handicapped, it is the only publicly accessible private and lockable restroom in Disneyland. Since it is hidden from open view, very few people know it even exists.
I have heard that there is one more private restroom in the park. That one is in Aladdin's Oasis, and only available when the Oasis is open, which lately seems to be never. I have not seen this restroom. (Edited 8/12/06: I have recently read on the MiceChat forums that Aladdin's Oasis has reopened.)
A couple more shots of the plaza:
Click on the image to enlarge
Click on the image to enlarge
The responses I received were:
Jeff Toro
You have me stumped... I really never paid attention to where restrooms are. I will search my pictures, and hope I have this one...and I will try to guess.
(And later)
Jeff Toro
My first thought was the restroom on Tom Sawyer Island.