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In what part of the resort would you find a trash can that looks like this?
Trash cans like this can be found in the entrance plaza between the two parks.
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The responses I received were:
I have NO idea where this is....But THANK YOU! The next time I visit Disneyland my wife will probably notice in me, an unhealthy attraction to every darn trash can...
Jeff Toro
I will take a stab at this one. I really like the trash can pics, keep them coming. I dont know where these are, but Mr. Cricket asks us to recycle throughout both parks. The second can has a picture of both parks, so I am guessing its someplace they both share, so I will guess the area the trams pick-up and drop-off.
-- Nice deduction.
And a little later...
Jeff Toro
I just looked through my pictures and I noticed that these trash cans are by the bus/hotel shuttle loading and unloading zones, not the tram pick up and drop off I mentioned earlier.
-- They have them there, too? I'll have to check that next time I'm there...