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Where would you see this?
This hallway is the exit from the movie barn behind Mickey Mouse's House in Disneyland's Mickey's Toontown. Once you wind your way through the house and back yard, you'll find yourself in the barn where you can watch a cartoon and meet Mickey in person. Er... In mouse.
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The responses I received were:
Tim & Malinda
The hallway you enter after meeting Mickey Mouse in Toontown.
John and Heather
This is in Toontown, behind Mickey's house and is either the entrance or exit (I can't remember which) to a theatre that shows Mickey movies.
Richard Blythe
The hallway in Mickey’s Movie Barn.
Tim & Malinda
The hallway you enter after meeting Mickey Mouse in Toontown.
John and Heather
This is in Toontown, behind Mickey's house and is either the entrance or exit (I can't remember which) to a theatre that shows Mickey movies.
Richard Blythe
The hallway in Mickey’s Movie Barn.