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Where would you see this?
This Indian statue stands in front of Frontierland's Westward Ho Trading Co. general store. He has an identical twin who stands in front of the 20th Century Music Company shop on Main Street U.S.A.
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The responses I received were:
The Indian in Frontierland - I know he has a name but it escapes me.
-- I've never seen anything to indicate either of them have a name. If you can remember it, let me know.
Jayson Weingarten
It is the Indian statue in Frontierland. The shop behind it used to sell very nice fudges and candies, but sadly, it is now just a regular old Disney merchandise shop. You can still see the refrigeration system installed in the glass display case under the register.
Jeff Toro
Across from the Shooting Gallery in Frontierland, near the ATM and restroom.
Tim & Malinda
In Frontierland at Disneyland!
John and Heather
This Indian is located in Frontierland, to the east of the shooting game.