Sunday, June 17, 2007


Click on the image to enlarge
Where would you see this?

This wall is next to the entrance to the "Gentlemen's Lair" (aka men's restroom) in the lower level of the Hungry Bear Restaurant in Disneyland's Critter Country.

Click on the image to enlarge
Photos by John Wright.

The responses I received were:

Jeff Toro
I am taking a guess, and will say the janitor closet inside the women's bathroom near the castle and Matterhorn line, you know the "knights and damsels" restrooms. That is the only place in DL I think Tom has never been.
-- Oh, you think I haven't been in there, huh? lol

Luz Blythe
Rancho del Zocolo restrooms.

Jayson Weingarten
I think that is on the wall as you go from Ariel's Grotto to California Screamin' in DCA.
-- That's exactly what I guessed!