Sunday, November 4, 2007


Click on the image to enlarge
Where would you see this?

This is inside the Fly 'n' Buy shop across from Soarin' Over California in the Condor Flats section of California Adventure's Golden State area.

Click on the image to enlarge

The responses I received were:

Richard Blythe
At the Fly and Buy.

Jeff Toro
My answer is the Fly'N'Buy souvenir shop across from Soarin' Over California in The Golden State section of DCA.

John and Heather
This is the Fly and Buy gift shop in DCA, across from Soarin' over California.

Tim & Malinda
Fly N' Buy Souvenirs in Condor Flats at California Adventure.

Jayson Weingarten
It's the plane in the gift shop for the Condor Flats area.
-- Right gift shop, but this is a car, not a plane.