Click on the image to enlargeWhat is this? Where would you find it?
Answer:This is the engine at the bottom of the
Moonliner rocket next to
Redd Rockett's Pizza Port in
Disneyland's Tomorrowland.
Click on the image to enlarge
Did you ever notice those red lights constantly blink off and on? How many people actually look up when they're under the rocket?
Click on the image to enlargeThe responses I received were:
Jeff Toro
Are these the mist sprayers (obviously off, and you'd have to be looking straight up) next to Soarin'?Tim & Malinda
The under side of the large engine piece hanging outside Soarin'?Richard Blythe
The swoosh of moist in front of California Soarin' ride.Jayson Weingarten
That is the rocket in front of Soarin' Over California in DCA. Happy 300!--
I expected someone to think of the jet engine in front of Soarin' Over California, but I didn't think *everyone* would... I remember that engine looking very different underneath, but unfortunately I can't find a photo to prove it. I'll take a picture of that one next time I'm there. (And thanks for the "Happy 300"!