Wednesday, July 5, 2006


Click on the image to enlarge
Why are these people standing around looking at a trash can?

These people are talking to Push, an interactive trash can in Disneyland's Tomorrowland. Push, so named because the flaps on the trash can say "PUSH" (and this is the only trash can in Tomorrowland whose flaps have any text on them), is a remote controlled device that travels around Tomorrowland, talking to park guests.

If you'd like to know the secret of how Push works, scroll down past the "Responses received" section to the bottom of this page.

March 10, 2007 Update: I found out on a trip to the resort yesterday that there is another Push in California Adventure.

Click on the image to enlarge

The responses I received were:

Richard Schill
I hope it is the same thing that we have down here in Florida at Disney World -- the famous talking Trash can at Tomorrowland?

Because the trash can isn't sitting on the ground fully. If you look at the legs of the trash can, they are suspended in the air.
-- It looks that way because it's on wheels. It would be nice if they could make that less noticeable though, huh?

That is Push in Tomorrowland.

Looks to me, of the two trash cans, one is sitting above the ground a bit. So my guess is that either there is a VERY little person in there moving around..or it is a radio controlled "character".

"Mommy, can we go see Timmy the Trashcan again?"
-- Very good guess! Well, except for the trash can's name...

Susan Kozicki
It is a talking trash can.

Bruce Sherman
Same reason they do it at WDW, 'cause it walks and talks. :) Just like in the mystery photo I did for WDW. :)

BTW, I believe its name is Push. :)
-- Now you tell me! I must have missed your mystery photo about Push. I don't remember seeing it...













Click on the image to enlarge

See the guy wearing a nondescript grey shirt and jeans, with one hand in a shoulder bag and the other by his mouth? He is Push. The controller for the trash can is in the bag and he has a microphone in the hand to his mouth.