Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Click on the image to enlarge
In what part of the resort would you find this trash can? Hint: There is only this one.

This trash can is on the front porch of Mickey Mouse's House in Disneyland's Mickey's Toontown.

Click on the image to enlarge

Here is the trash can on the front porch of Minnie Mouse's House:

Click on the image to enlarge

The responses I received were:

Jeff Toro
I have no idea?
-- Good guess...

Then a little later...

Jeff Toro
Normally when I don't know, I don't guess, but the can looks like part of a house or even a picket fence. I was going to say Mickey or Minnie's House in Toontown, but didn't we already do one from Minnie's House?
-- The Minnie Mouse House mystery photo was of her salt and pepper shakers, not a trash can.

Brian Martsolf
Well it's a wild guess, but I'll say it's at IASW. Wherever it is, it certainly needs a refurb!