Saturday, September 22, 2007


Click on the image to enlarge
Where would you see this?

This is inside the Silhouette Studio on Disneyland's Main Street, U.S.A.

Click on the image to enlarge

The responses I received were:

The Silhouette Shop on Main Street?

Jeff Toro
I have never been in this place, but I can see the carriage tracks of Main Street in the window, so I will say Disneyland. There are pictures on the wall, and the very bottoms look like the small black profile pictures I can see from the window while walking down Main Street, but what is the name of the store? Give me a minute... After a quick trip to my photo collection, my guess will be inside the Silhouette Studio on Main Street inside Disneyland.
-- Nice deduction.

Richard Blythe
Silhouette Shop on Main Street.

Jayson Weingarten
One of the shops on Main Street USA?

Tim & Malinda
The Silhouette Studio on Main Street.

My mom got a silhouette done here in the 50s during her first visit to Disneyland.
-- My mother has a silhouette on her wall of my brother and me. It doesn't date back quite as far as your mother's, though. I think ours was made in 1978.

John and Heather
This looks like the Silhouette Studio on Main Street in Disneyland.