Tuesday, July 31, 2007


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Where would you see this?

This is part of the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage in Disneyland's Tomorrowland. I know many people have not yet seen this since the ride reopened, but I figured the water would be a good clue.

Click on the image to enlarge

Click on the image to enlarge

Click on the image to enlarge

The responses I received were:

Jayson Weingarten
A view from the subs? I don't know since I haven't been since the subs reopened, but that is what I would guess.

Jeff Toro
Since its underwater, I can only guess it's the new Nemo sub ride, but since I have not ridden it yet, who knows???

John and Heather
We believe that this is part of the Finding Nemo Submarine ride.

Tim & Malinda
Beneath the water in the sub lagoon.