Tuesday, September 5, 2006


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Who is this? What show is he in? Where would you see the show?

This is Kirk Wall, aka Billy Elvis of the Billy Hill & the Hillbillies's Blue and Gold Teams. There are three teams of Hillbillies (Blue, Green and Gold) as well as about a dozen occasional substitute/stand-in Billy's.

The Hillbillies perform at the Golden Horseshoe in Disneyland's Frontierland. The Golden Horseshoe is closed most of this month as it is undergoing a refurbishment.

The rest of the Gold Team are:

John Marshall, aka Billy Bass:

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Dennis Fetchet, aka Billy Fiddle:

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Duane Michaels, aka Billy Bald:

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The responses I received were:

Cynthia Bartlett
I am not sure, but he looks like Vincent D'Onofrio from CSI Criminal Intent.

Billy Hill of the show Billy Hill and the Hillbillies at the Golden Horseshoe in Frontierland.

Billy Hill and the Hillbillies - one of the best shows at Disneyland.

Ann Marie Fowler
This is a picture of the lead singer of Billy Hill and the Hillbillies at what used to be the Horseshoe Theater at Frontierland.
-- It still is the Golden Horseshoe. They're just fixing it up a little and adding new items (ice cream sundaes) to the menu.

Brian Martsolf
Billy Hill & The Hill Billies at The Golden Horseshoe Saloon.