Saturday, September 19, 2009


Click on the image to enlarge
Where would you see this?

This is above the queue for the Indiana Jones Adventure ride in Disneyland.

Click on the image to enlarge

The responses I received were:

Tim & Malinda:
The queue of the Indiana Jones ride. And isn't there a picture of Eeyore somewhere in there?
-- Yes. When they built the ride, it extended "beyond the berm" into what was then the Eeyore section of the parking lot. So, they put one of the parking lot signs in the rafters by the ceiling in the projector room. It isn't easy to see, and it's pretty much impossible to get a photo of it.

This is in the queue of the Indiana Jones Adventure.

We are looking above the queue at some archeologist equipment on a second level.

I believe this is just before you go into the room with the safety video.

My picture of the same thing from May 4, 2008 (WestFest 08) can be seen at